Iranian daily: Did gov’t hear people’s alarming abstention from the vote?

As the final results of the parliamentary and Assembly of Experts elections in Iran came out, an Iranian daily has termed the 41-percent turnout in the polls, the lowest since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, ‘alarming.’

In an article titled “Alienation From the Government”, Etemad wrote on Monday, “The outcome of the recent elections will not even meet the minimum expectations of the organizers and soon its fallout will be revealed.”

In a pessimistic note, the daily added that many people in Iran are no longer hopeful as “there are no signs on the horizon” that the ruling establishment will cater to the demands of the majority.

“It seems there is no opiate  more addictive than power and it is unlikely that the barrier of power will let them hear the message of the majority; otherwise how is it possible that three consecutive elections cannot open up their eyes and ears?” Etemad asked, referring to the officials.

The daily warned that the voter apathy, especially from the younger generations will debilitate the national power. It suggested that the best way to make amends is to move away from the “appointed institutions to elected ones based on people’s will and make up for the past failures in the upcoming presidential elections.”

Iranians went to the polls on Friday to choose the new members for the 290-seat parliament and 88-member Assembly of Experts that chooses and oversees the performance of the Iranian Leader.

About 25 million people out of the 61 million eligible voters cast their ballots.

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