Iranian daily censures ‘disregard for widespread corruption’ in Iran

Establishment of justice has remained elusive in Iran over four decades after the Islamic Revolution due to the authorities’ failure, or reluctance, to deal with major corruption cases, an Iranian daily argues.

In a scathing article published in Johmuri-e Eslami’s Tuesday edition, the author has written even the culprits who have been charged with corruption do not receive punishment based on the same set of rules, explaining some are “treated leniently. ”

“In a society where perpetrators of economic corruption are not treated in the same way, in a way that for some no stone is left unturned to find special reasons in order to grill them, the others who have committed even more serious corruption are honored and placed in the best positions, how can you believe that justice prevails?” the daily asks.

In a thinly-veiled reference to the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi’s handling of a $3.5bn fraud case by the Debsh Tea Company, Johmuri-e Eslami noted it is hard to believe that “justice is being implemented while the officials are seeking to silence the case. ”

“The country’s wealth is not distributed fairly among the people, clients are not treated equally in offices, favoritism is very common in most institutions, salaries, fringes and amenities are not paid according to merits or real needs,” the newspaper added, noting that such cases are in contradiction with both the “Islamic” and “Republic” nature of Iran.

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