‘Iran won’t accept to sign win-lose deal sought by Israel in Vienna’

A former Iranian lawmaker says Tehran is seeking a “good agreement” during the Vienna talks that would serve the interests of its nation, and that it will never accept a “win-lose agreement” sought by the Israeli regime.

Abolfazl Hassanbeigi told IRNA that the US “has constantly been after getting concessions [from Iran] and is controlled by the Zionist regime.”

Although the Americans are tremendously interested in achieving a deal with Iran, Israel remains concerned of the Islamic Republic’s growing nuclear power, the ex-lawmaker said.
The Israelis, he said, “want a deal to be signed again but in a win-lose form.”

“Any way, on the one hand, the Americans have no other option but to achieve a deal, and on the other, the Islamic Republic will not accept a win-lose deal under any circumstances,” he said.

Meanwhile, Hassanbeigi added, the P4+1 group are also fed up with Washington’s behavior and “all parties, even the Europeans, are severely worried about the prolongation of the negotiations” in Vienna aimed at bringing the US back to the 2015 nuclear agreement.

He said the Iranians are currently seeking to fix the weak points that existed in the 2015 deal, referring to the conditions that allowed the US to easily abandon the multilateral deal.

The former legislator also said the American power is now on the decline, adding, “The world is no longer unipolar and the Islamic Republic will, under no circumstances, accept to sign an agreement that will have no benefits for the Iranian nation.”

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