Iran Will Definitely Change Approach to UAE: Top General

A senior Iranian military commander says Tehran’s approach towards the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will change fundamentally from now on after the country's deal with Israel.

Major General Mohammad Baqeri said on Sunday, “Today at a time when all freedom-seekers around the world hate and distance themselves from establishing a relationship and friendship with the Zionist regime [of Israel], one of the neighbours of the Islamic Republic of Iran has brazenly announced that it has established relations with this child-killing regime, which is regrettable.”

General Baqeri, the chairman of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, added that “the Zionist regime is struggling for its survival and, showing disregard for Islamic norms and those of Judaism, and is bold enough to commit whatever act of tyranny and oppression in the Muslim world and even against its own people and neighbours.”

“For the UAE, as an Arab and Muslim country, such a relationship is, by no means, acceptable,” he added.

“Definitely, the Iranian nation’s approach toward this neighbouring country will change fundamentally, and the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran will take other calculations into account when it comes to this country,” he added.

“Should something happen in the Persian Gulf region and the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran be harmed, even slightly, we will hold the UAE accountable for that and we will not tolerate that,” he said.

“We recommend the UAE rethink its decision before it is too late and not keep moving on a path which is to the detriment of the region and its own country,” he said.

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