Iran scorns US stance on Tehran-Moscow space interaction

Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani brushed aside the US’ objection to aerospace cooperation between Tehran and Moscow following the recent Iran satellite launching into space, using a Russian Syouz missile.

Asked about the US’ criticism of the launch of the Iranian Pars-1 satellite from a spaceport in Russia, Kanaani said at a weekly presser on Monday that nobody is allowed to raise doubts about the peaceful cooperation between Iran and Russia.

Dismissing the US’ concerns, the spokesman stated, “The defense and space cooperation between Iran and the Russian Federation is conventional and in accordance with international law.”

“Iran has extensive cooperation with Russia. It is the right of countries to cooperate within the framework of international relations,” he added.

Brushing off the “baseless” claims made by the US, Kanaani said there are “political motives” behind the American allegations against Iran-Russia cooperation or the comments about regional crises, such as the Ukraine war.

“Iran will maintain cooperation with friendly countries within the framework of its rights,” the spokesman stressed.

His comments came after the US alleged that the launches of Iranian satellites violate the UN Security Council resolutions.

On February 29, Iran launched its Pars-1 research and remote sensing satellite into orbit from Russia’s Vostochny Cosmodrome spaceport using a Soyuz launcher.

The satellite’s primary mission includes practical imaging, developing the market for domestic remote sensing data, and testing technologies for future operational satellites.

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