Iran, Turkey pledge to enhance bilateral trade following president Raisi’s visit

Tehran and Ankara have jointly declared their commitment to augmenting bilateral trade while also pledging collaborative efforts to achieve peace in West Asia.

Emphasizing the necessity of efforts to maximize the volume of bilateral trade in a joint statement, they highlighted the strong determination of both nations to expand bilateral relations based on mutual respect, common interests, friendship, and deep-rooted cultural and historical ties.

The joint statement was issued during an official visit to Ankara by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday.

The two nations also condemned the crimes committed by the usurping Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Gaza, stating that decisive actions to prevent the crimes of the Zionist regime are essential for the return to normal conditions in the Red Sea region.

After ending his visit to Turkey, Raisi returned to the country early Thursday.

The full text of the joint statement is as follows:

The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Turkey, based on their traditional relations, mutual respect, common interests, friendship, and deep-rooted cultural and historical ties, emphasized their strong political will to expand relations in all areas through mutual visits at high levels and enhancing people-to-people communications.

Both countries expressed their determination to jointly combat all forms and manifestations of terrorism, which has become one of the biggest challenges of our time and has caused significant damage to the region. They emphasized combating the smuggling of goods, weapons, drugs, and organized crime along their common borders.

Iran and Turkey also agreed to strengthen stable, sustainable, and fair economic and trade cooperation using existing mechanisms and bilateral agreements. They pledged to enhance their cooperation in maximizing the volume of bilateral trade and increasing collaboration in the energy sector. They aim to increase mutual investments by creating a suitable environment and encouraging private sector participation for mutual cooperation and investment.

Considering the strategic position and central role of both countries in cargo and passenger transportation as gateways to Europe and Asia, they emphasized their willingness and commitment to strengthen cooperation in road, rail, and combined transit, collaboration on corridors, enhancing border trade, and establishing new border terminals.

Cooperation in environmental matters and fair and sustainable use of shared water resources were among the main topics of discussion for the two nations.

The importance of cultural, archival, youth, sports, higher education, and constructive media relations was also highlighted by both parties.

Both sides strongly condemned insults to Islamic sanctities, the increase in Islamophobia, and hatred against Islam. They declared their close cooperation in the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to pass resolutions against attacks on holy books as religious hatred.

The heinous crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Gaza were another main focus of the talks between the two presidents. Expressing concern over the continuation of these crimes, they called for the immediate cessation of Israel’s attacks, the immediate and unconditional lifting of the unjust blockade of Gaza, and the urgent, sufficient, and unimpeded dispatch of essential goods and services to the Palestinian people. They emphasized the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, especially the right to self-defense.

The two sides also stressed the need to confront the impunity of political and military leaders of the Israeli regime and their trial in competent courts for war crimes, genocide, and other forms of crimes. They welcomed the legal actions of the South African government against the Israeli regime in the International Court of Justice.

Furthermore, they emphasized their mutual commitment as threshold partners to maintain peace in Syria, and preserve its territorial integrity, unity, and political sovereignty. They also expressed their support for the territorial integrity, political unity, and government of Iraq, expecting common expectations from this country to combat terrorism and strengthen cooperation in this field.

Stressing the importance of respecting the territorial integrity of countries in the Caucasus region, they evaluated the 3+3 regional platform as an appropriate assembly for negotiation and constructive cooperation among member countries.

The two countries evaluated practical and constructive interaction with the current officials of Afghanistan as important and emphasized the need to establish an inclusive, responsible, and accountable government in Afghanistan, representing all the people of this country and ensuring security for them without any ethnic or sectarian discrimination.

The comprehensive fight against all terrorist groups, the production and trafficking of drugs, human trafficking, and illegal migration were among the other issues emphasized by both parties. They highlighted the need to provide the possibility of safe, voluntary, and dignified return of all illegal Afghan migrants to their country.

The two countries, while declaring support for the unity of Yemen, stressed the importance of finding a stable political solution and establishing permanent peace in this country. They also emphasized the urgent need for global community assistance, including food, medicine, and other essential items for the people of Yemen.

The presidents of the two countries, emphasizing the importance of maintaining maritime security in regional and international waters, including the Red Sea, considered the regional tensions and the current situation in the Red Sea as a result of the heinous invasions of the Israeli regime against the people of Gaza.

The necessity of establishing a fair and lasting peace in Ukraine through political negotiations and efforts to counter the global and regional negative impacts of this prolonged conflict, which is escalating with the continuation of the war, was emphasized by both parties.

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