‘Iran to Expel IAEA Inspectors on Feb. 21 If US Sanctions Not Lifted’

A senior Iranian parliamentarian says Tehran will expel inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) from the country if sanctions on Iran are not lifted by February 21.

Ahmad Amirabadi Farahani, a member of the Parliament’s Presiding Board, said the expulsion is in line with the recent parliamentary act aimed at countering the US sanctions.

“Based on the Parliament’s legislation, if the United States fails to lift financial, banking and oil sanction by February 21, 2021, we will definitely expel IAEA inspectors from the country and we are sure to stop the voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol,” said Amirabadi Farahani.

“This is the parliament’s law and the government is obliged to enforce it,” he added.
“The Supreme Leader blocked all paths for the US government’s abuse. The JCPOA became a completely unilateral agreement, and the agreement was torn up as Trump took office,” he said.

He also slammed Europeans for not daring to stand up to the US.

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