Iran slams IAEA latest report as unilateral and unfair

Iran’s acting ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency says the latest report by the IAEA’s director general on Iran does not reflect the wide-ranging cooperation between the two sides.

Mohammad Reza Ghaebi says Rafael Grossi’s report is unilateral and “unfairly” ignores Iran’s arguments.

Grossi said in one of the reports he published Monday that Iran’s enriched uranium stockpiles is now 18 times more than the limits set out in the 2015 nuclear deal adding that Iran has failed to give “valid technical” answers to the agency’s questions regarding nuclear material discovered at its sites over the past three years.

The IAEA had earlier asked Iran to submit documents on three additional sites and answer the agency’s questions regarding nuclear activity there.

Tehran said in early April that the documents had been sent to the IAEA and they should file their final report after new in-person investigations at the sites.

Ghaebi said Iran held several rounds of talks including three experts meetings, with the agency to address its concerns despite believing that the anti-Iran allegations are based on “fabricated information” handed to the agency by Israel and some other hostile countries.

The aim, he said, was to resolve the issue by submitting technical details to the agency.

“The report by the IAEA director general does not reflect the wide-ranging cooperation of Iran with the agency. The conclusion of the report is identical to the one by the director general in the European Parliament, even before the end of the predicted stages [of talks] in the joint statement [with Iran], and before the third round of the technical talks,” he said.

Ghaebi called Grossi’s conclusions “pre-arranged” and his approach as “unconstructive”, stressing that such reports damage relations and cooperation with Iran and play into the hands of opponents of revival of the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Iranian official also talked about Grossi’s second report on Monday that dealt with Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal.

Ghaebi stressed that Iran’s nuclear activities are in compliance with the Non-Proliferation Treaty, but the data from the IAEA’s cameras at Iranian sites will not be available to the agency before an agreement with the P4+1 on revival of the nuclear deal.

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