Iranian daily: Don’t backtrack on nuclear case

An Iranian daily says national unity can turn the tide against the US regarding Iran’s nuclear case, arguing that the recent anti-Iran resolution by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Board of Governors shows the Iranian authorities’ weak diplomatic performance.

The resolution was approved late on Wednesday by 30 votes in favor, three abstentions, and only two – Russia and China – against.

Johmouri Eslami, in an article on Saturday wrote that diplomatic efforts by the administration of former Iranian president Hassan Rouhani had cornered the US.

It noted that thanks to the Iranian diplomats during the former administration, the United Nations blocked a controversial bid by the US to re-impose sanctions on Iran in August 2020. Only Washington and a tiny nation voted for the move, the daily pointed out.

The daily also said the “ongoing plot” by the US and the European troika – namely Germany, France and Britain – against Iran can be rendered ineffective provided the Iranian delegation to the Vienna talks deals with the issue intelligently and the country forges a united front.

After the Board of Governors adopted the anti-Iran resolution, some Iranians raised the idea of quitting the UN Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP), while some others said Iran should ignore the hostile move altogether.

Johmouri Eslami said that the wide range of disparity shows lack of a cohesive stance among the decision-makers, warning that walking down the path could put Iran under Chapter Seven of the United Nations Charter, which can ultimately put Iran and the West on a collision course.

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