Iranian nuclear chief: Tehran has no secret atomic activities

The director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has said the country has no secret nuclear activities and undeclared atomic sites.

Mohammad Eslami told reporters on Wednesday that the alleged pieces of evidence raised in the report of the secretary general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, are part of a political move aimed at maintaining the so-called maximum pressure campaign against Tehran.

Eslami referred to a resolution drafted by the US and the European troika to be put to a vote at the IAEA’s board of governors.

Eslami said the Zionist regime is the mastermind behind the resolution.

He noted that Iran entered into the 2015 nuclear deal to end allegations that had been leveled against the country for many years, adding that approval of the anti-Iran resolution would mean Tehran is back in square one.

Eslami dismissed claims that Iran did not fully cooperate with the IAEA as threadbare and described Iran’s cooperation with the agency as maximum.

He added, two to three percent of the world’s nuclear capacity belongs to Iran, but about 25 percent of the international inspections are being carried out on Iran’s sties.

Eslami underlined that Iran will not retreat in the face of these pressures, which he said will force Tehran to give up its good will vis-à-vis the other sides in the JCPOA.

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