Iran says won’t accept IAEA demands beyond Safeguards Agreement, NPT

The Director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has rejected the media hype about Iran’s nuclear activities, saying Tehran will accept nothing beyond the agency’s Safeguards Agreement and the Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“What is being published in media, in the news and elsewhere, is part of the psychological warfare against Iran and has to do with politics. We are encountered by people, who by no means tolerate technological and scientific development of the Islamic Republic of Iran and use the accusations, propaganda and psychological warfare to pretend that Iran has illegitimate objectives and is not committed to nuclear non-proliferation,” Mohammad Eslami said.

Eslami added that Israel is fueling the accusations, which have never been proven. He stressed that this “commotion” will not affect how Iran moves forward with its nuclear program.

“The issue of the Karaj [nuclear] site and other issues, which were mentioned in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [nuclear deal], are beyond the Safeguards Agreement,” he said.

“When they [other signatories to the nuclear deal] do not fulfill their obligations and impose severe and cruel illegal sanctions and expand them every day, that leaves us with no reason to stay committed to the JCPOA obligations they are pressuring us to meet. We act within the framework of the Safeguards Agreement and the NPT and accept nothing beyond that.”

Eslami further stressed that it is impossible for Iran to fulfill its share of the agreement while other parties do not meet their commitments. 

He said these are the issues Iran is discussing with the IAEA to find a path forward.

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