Iran parliament to probe death in custody of suspects

Iranian lawmakers will launch an investigation into the circumstances of the death of suspects in police custody in Iran, a member of the parliament says.

Valiollah Bayati, the spokesperson for the Parliament’s Commission on Internal Affairs, made the announcement days after an Iranian man died in custody due to police misbehavior in a city north of the country.

He added the parliament is seeking to get a clear picture of the death of Mohammad Mirmousavi who died while in custody at a detention center in northern Gilan province.

Mirmousavi, 36, who had been detained after getting into a brawl and altercation with locals in the city of Lahijan, reportedly misbehaved in detention and provoked the officers to deal with him harshly.

However, the police have confirmed in a statement that the behavior of some law enforcement agents was against the professional policy of the police and the personnel were referred to the judicial authorities for trial. The head of Lahijan police force was also fired following the incident.

“The death of the suspects in the detention center was not the first incident and several cases have occurred in the past months and years, so the parliament investigates the reasons for the deaths in detention centers” he noted.

Bayati said the police authorities need to deal firmly with those who violated the protocols to prevent such incidents from happening again.

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