Iranian news outlet reveals part of Iran-P4+1 deal

Eslaahaat News, an Iranian media outlet claims it has gained access to some details of the EU's proposed draft meant to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

It cited top Iranian negotiator Ali Bagheri as telling some media outlets in a private meeting that the agreement  has a timetable for implementation that includes four main stages.

According to the report, the first stage is when foreign ministers of the parties to the Vienna talks finalize and sign the deal.

“Following the signing of the deal, 3 executive orders issued by former US president Donald Trump will be waived, not cancelled.”

“Meanwhile, sanctions imposed on economic institutions and 17 banks of Iran under the orders will be lifted. This first stage is called the finalization day.”

The second stage is the verification day. This happens 60 days after the finalization of the agreement. The 2-month period is meant to allow parliaments of Iran and the other parties to ratify whatever legislation is necessary to make the deal legal.

“The next stage is the re-implementation day and happens 60 days after the previous period. This is when the implementation of the nuclear deal, ICPOA, starts.”

According to Eslaahaat News, 7 days before this stage, Iran tells the other sides that it agrees to the implementation of the JCPOA and on that day Trump’s executive orders will be cancelled totally.

“This is while Iran’s enriched uranium will not be taken out of Iran before this stage.”

“Meanwhile, 45 days after the re-implementation stage, all sides must fulfil their commitments.”

“Iran has 4 months to verify the lifting of some sanctions on its economic sector and banks after the finalization day when foreign ministers sign the JCPOA revival agreement.”

Eslaahaat News also quoted Bagheri as saying that the snapback mechanism cannot be eliminated from the JCPOA because it was enshrined in the deal from the very beginning but the other sides have agreed to make it more logical.

Bagheri also said what is highly important is that the US cannot leave the JCPOA by the end of President Joe Biden’s first term and even if another person becomes the

US president, he will not be able to leave the deal until three years after taking office.
This makes the period 5 and a half years that includes the 2 and a half years of Biden’s remaining time in office.

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