Top Iranian MP: Nuclear deal highly likely in next 10 days

A member of the Iranian parliament's national security and foreign policy commission says Iran and the other parties top the nuclear agreement will most probably reach an agreement in the sanctions removal talks within the next 10 days.

Jalil Rahimi said differences between the US and Iran over enrichment percentage, verification and years-long guarantees from investing companies have been resolved.

Rahimi added that most Iranian MPS are aware of the talks and the EU-proposed draft agreement aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal, JCPOA.

He also described the talks with the Western governments in Vienna as highly complicated.
The lawmaker said the nuclear talks have taken up three decades of Iran’s time, adding that now nearly all concerns have been resolved.

Rahimi noted that some minor differences remain though.

He maintained that it’s very difficult for Iran, as a country which saw the US and
Europe breach their commitments, to accept anything without guarantees.

Rahimi further underlined that there is no need for the deal to be approved by parliament because this is about a deal that is not new and already exists.

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