Iran Leader: Superpowers cannot monopolize privilege of sailing across high seas

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has praised the Iranian Navy for making its presence felt in international waters in defiance of attempts by superpowers to monopolize the use of the high seas.

“What you did ensured security,” said Ayatollah Khamenei in a Sunday meeting with personnel, and their families, of Flotilla 86 of the Naval Force of the Iranian Army, which circumnavigated the globe a few months ago, sailing a marine route of more than 65,000 kilometers over a period of 8 months.

The Leader expressed his gratitude to the personnel of the armada for “having accomplished a great mission.”

“They circled the earth successfully, which was unprecedented in our country’s maritime history,” Ayatollah Khamenei said.

He underlined the journey helped boost security for the country.

The Leader said the high seas belong to all, and are not owned by anyone.

“Superpowers would take over the ownership of oceans if they could in order to prevent others from using them,” Ayatollah Khamenei explained.

“Seeking to monopolize special privileges in general issues related to humanity is among the characteristics of superpowers, including the United States,” said the Leader, adding, “But you proved it wrong.”

“You showed that the high seas belong to everyone. How dare they say they wouldn’t allow such and such ships to cross such and such straits! The high seas belong to everyone, and all should be able to sail across them,” Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

The Leader underscored that security for maritime transportation along shipping lanes should be provided for all countries.

“Today, the Americans assault oil tankers and help maritime smuggling rings. This is a major offense on their part and it’s being committed in our region, and we are hearing that they are, more or less, doing similar acts in other areas, too,” Ayatollah Khamenei added.

“This amounts to the gross violation of an international humanitarian law, which cannot be condoned,” the Leader added.

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