On Wednesday, Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), stated during the inauguration and operational launch of the project that helium extraction and purification is a strategic step for the country.
He attributed the project’s success to the efforts of Iranian specialists and added that following this pilot project, Iran will establish its first helium production plant, officially joining the ranks of countries that purify helium from natural gas.
Eslami emphasized that the technical knowledge for this project was developed in collaboration with an Iranian university, with all necessary components and equipment manufactured by the AEOI and supplied through the country’s domestic engineering network.
He further noted that the capacity being created will meet Iran’s annual demand, eliminating the need for helium gas imports, and that Iran will also plan for exports in the future.
Meanwhile, according to the deputy head of the AEOI, the initial and basic design of the project, with a capacity of 22 tons per year, has been completed.