Iran chief negotiator in Vienna talks: Progress possible

Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator and Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani says the last few days of talks in Vienna to lift the sanctions on Tehran showed if all sides engage in negotiations seriously, progress is possible

Bagheri said on Twitter that talks continue intensively, both by experts and top negotiators. He also referred to his negotiations with the heads of the British, French, German, Russian, Chinese and EU delegations in Vienna. According to Iran’s deputy foreign minister, Iranian experts also continue working on texts.

Earlier, reports said Iran has allowed the International Atomic Energy Agency to install cameras instead of those damaged in a June terrorist attack on its Tessa Complex near Karaj where centrifuges are produced.

Iran took the measure voluntarily and as a goodwill gesture.

Iran has time and again said its ultimate goal is to lift sanctions placed on the country by the US unilaterally. Tehran and the P4+1 group – Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany- say the talks are proceeding but at a slow pace.

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