Iran dismisses Biden’s allegations as baseless, hypocritical

The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman has rejected US president Joe Biden’s claims regarding Tehran’s nuclear program as baseless and hypocritical.

Referring to the allegations Biden made in the Saudi port city of Jeddah, Nasser Kanaani said such groundless remarks are part of Washington’s policy of inciting sedition and fomenting tensions in the region.

The spokesman touched upon the past record of the United States as the first country to have used A-bombs and pointed to its relentless interference in the internal affairs of the regional countries, military aggression and occupation, large sales of weapons and promotion of militarism in the region.

“Once again by resorting to the failed policy of promoting Iranophobia, the United States seeks to create tensions and crisis in the region,” he noted.

The spokesman further underscored several decades of Washington’s blind and unflinching support for the usurper Israeli regime.

“Indubitably, the US government is the key contributor to the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian land and holy Qods, the regime’s day-to-day crimes against Palestinians and apartheid and systematic violation of human rights with regards to the oppressed and resistant Palestinian nation,” he explained.

He underlined Iran’s strategic policy of utilizing peaceful nuclear technology within the framework of international laws and regulations as well as its insistence on the need to continue talks on the lifting of sanctions on Tehran.

“The United Sates’ false accusations regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program and Washington’s turning a blind eye to decades of deception by the Israeli regime as a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the possessor of the largest arsenal of nuclear arms in the region are a major sign of the US government’s hypocrisy,” Kanani said.

The spokesman then recalled Iran’s fundamental and constructive policy of welcoming dialog with neighboring countries as well as intra-regional initiatives.

“In response to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s invitation for, and initiatives on regional talks and cooperation, regional governments are expected to take constructive steps in favor of collective security, peace, stability and development,” he added.

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