First batch of Iranian hajj pilgrims leaves for Saudi Arabia after decade of hiatus

A group of hajj pilgrims departed on Monday from the Iranian capital Tehran for the Saudi city of Mecca for Umrah (lesser) hajj pilgrimage after a ten-year interval.

Seyyed Abdol-Fattah Navvab, the Iranian Leader’s representative in hajj and pilgrimage affairs, and Abdullah Bin Saud al-Anzi, Saudi ambassador to Tehran, saw the pilgrims off from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport.

Other Iranian cities, including Zahedan, Ahvaz, Tabriz, Yazd, Kerman, Bandar Abbas, Sari, Isfahan, and Shiraz, are also set to resume the hajj flights.

Here are some pictures of the departure of the pilgrims from Tehran:

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