Ali Akbar Pourjamshidian, referring to the problems along the border between Iran and Afghanistan, noted that Iran is working to secure its borders through wall construction, but experts from both countries need to determine the precise border lines.
Pourjamshidian added that combating terrorism along the borders of Iran with Afghanistan and Pakistan is one of the most critical security issues in Iran’s eastern borders, which requires close cooperation in intelligence and security matters.
The Deputy Minister also stated that despite Afghan leaders declaring a ban on the cultivation of narcotics and opium, there are still significant reserves of drugs in Afghanistan that are being transported to Iran through the eastern borders.
The Iranian official also identified human trafficking and kidnapping as serious issues with Afghanistan, saying that there are gangs involved in organized crimes in both Iran and Afghanistan, and addressing this problem also requires mutual cooperation.
Pourjamshidian was among the officials who accompanied the Iranian Foreign Minister in his recent visit to Afghanistan.