Ayatollah Khamenei: Removal of hijab is politically and religiously banned

Iran’s leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says removing the hijab in society in front of unrelated men is religiously and politically banned.

He added that if those who remove their headscarves in public knew who is behind this whole scenario, they would not do it.

Ayatollah Khanenei was referring to the removal of hijab by some girls and women in violation of the dress code of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The leader made the remarks on Tuesday in a meeting with a group of Iranian officials.

He also said the world is on the verge of a major upheaval and this means a shift in the international order.

Ayatollah Khamenei said, “I want to announce today that fortunately, this global upheaval will weaken the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

He noted that developments are taking place in the world rapidly and dramatically and “we must build up momentum in our foreign policy”.

Ayatollah Khamenei further spoke about Iran’s economic woes, saying a problem that Iran has been grappling with is the dollar and sticking to the foreign currency.

He said, “Some countries have set aside the dollar and are doing their transactions through other channels… and they are better off now”.

Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that one duty of all citizens is to avoid strengthening the rivals of the rial.

Elsewhere, in his remarks, the leader turned to the issue of corruption in Iran. He said fighting corruption is a must for all.

He underlined that corruption makes people disappointed and must be tackled.

He then referred to inflation, saying a minority benefits from soaring prices and fill their pockets at the expense of others. This, Ayatollah Khamenei noted, breeds corruption.

He however underscored that Iran has many possibilities for the purpose of fixing the problem such as economic infrastructure, human workforce, highly-motivated youth, scientific and technological capabilities, and new ideas, which all can be used to contain inflation.

The leader said economic problems can be solved through relations with foreign nations, noting however that foreign countries are not limited to the US and a few European countries.

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