Latest News and Views from Iran and the World

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Nov. 5

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Thursday and picked headlines from 18 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Japan’s premier invites President Rouhani to Tokyo

The Japanese PM has praised the nuclear agreement clinched between Iran and P5+1 and emphasized the significance of its proper implementation.

Iranian VP in Hungary to attend World Science Forum

Iran's vice-president for science and technology is scheduled to deliver a speech in the World Science Forum (WSF) which focuses this year on the enabling power of science.

Syrians, not others, should decide Syria’s fate: Iranian FM

Other countries can at most play the role of a facilitator in the process of resolving the crisis in Syria, Zarif told the visiting Syrian deputy foreign minister.

Iran, China urge enhanced cooperation for global peace

The armed forces of Iran and China should work toward strengthening cooperation in all areas of common interest, the Iranian Air Force commander told his Chinese counterpart.

Iran seeks to promote regional understanding, counter division: Official

Most of Iran's political activities in the post-JCPOA era have been focused on the promotion of regional cooperation, Shamkhani said.

Untimely death of Chalabi, a bane of Iraq’s political process

The ill-timed death of Ahmed Chalabi, a key lobbyist for the US invasion of Iraq, will cost the Iraqi political process dearly, analysts say.

Iranians hold nationwide rallies to mark 1979 US embassy takeover

In Iran, November 4 marks Student Day and National Day of the Fight against Global Arrogance.

Iran signs landmark $6 billion power deal

The agreement between the Ministry of Energy and the foreign firm envisages developing gas-powered plants for 3,250 MW and wind farms for 1,000 MW of electricity, Nobakht said.

Saudis funnel gobs of money into anti-Shiite intelligence division: Prince

It has been proven to me that anyone who does not recognize a political ruler might be denounced as an unbeliever by ill-wishing scholars close to that ruler, Prince Turki bin Bandar said.

Rouhani describes countering infiltration as a national, not factional issue

President Rouhani has said that the Iranian nation walks down the path of revolution, independence and resistance and stands united in the face of the outsiders.

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Nov. 4

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Wednesday and picked headlines from 22 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iran rejects foreign military buildup in Syria

Any country’s fate should be determined only by its people without any foreign intervention, Velayati said in a meeting with Ilse Aigner.

Judiciary chief calls on all Iranians to support JCPOA

Although some areas of JCPOA are far from perfect, exerting pressure on the government and the negotiators by some groups is quite unfair, Ayatollah Amoli Larijani said.

Iran delegation to attend funeral procession of Ahmad Chalabi

Ahmad Chalabi, who died of a heart attack on November 3, served as the Iraqi interim oil minister and deputy prime minister in 2005 and 2006.

Iran faced off with Saudi Arabia in Syria talks: Abbas Araqchi

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif authoritatively took on Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister during recent negotiations on the Syrian crisis in the Austrian capital of Vienna, says a senior Iranian official.

Iran arrests US-Lebanese citizen on espionage charges

Iran has recently arrested a Lebanese-American citizen on suspicion of espionage, reports say.

Leader: Death to US doesn’t mean death to Americans; it means death to US policies

The slogan of ‘Death to America’ does not mean death to the American nation; rather it means death to US policies and arrogance, the Supreme Leader said.

Peugeot says ready to transfer modern technology to Iran

Peugeot says it is willing to cooperate with post-sanctions Iran and help its automotive industry to manufacture better vehicles.

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Nov. 3

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Tuesday and picked headlines from 20 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

West’s anti-Iran human rights campaign biased: Judiciary chief

Not only have the Western countries turned a blind eye to the deadly Saudi aggression against Yemen but also defended the bloody campaign, Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani said.

Iran’s advisory help for Yemen to continue: IRGC chief

Iran has offered the necessary help for Yemen so far and will continue to do whatever it can in the advisory dimension, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said.

Iran calls for dialogue of religions, civilizations, cultures

The Islamic Republic of Iran has spared no effort to fight violence, terrorism and Takfiri terrorists, the culture chief said.

Iran felicitates Turkey on successful election

There is hope that formation of a new government in Turkey will improve Tehran-Ankara bilateral relations in all fields, Afkham said.

Foreign Ministry has won the hearts and minds of Iranians

President Rouhani has said that the world has learnt that the settlement of a number of regional problems is all but impossible in Iran’s absence.