Latest News and Views from Iran and the World

Saudi Arabia is seeking confrontation with Iran

The Foreign Ministry spokesman has said that JCPOA and relations with regional and international powers are national issues which should be excluded from partisan and factional bickering.

IRGC’s second missile town unveiled

The IRGC has announced that it has set up big underground facilities in most cities which are safe from the enemy crosshairs and will be used if necessary.

Iran considers Afghanistan’s security its own: Leader

Ayatollah Khamenei said unity among various ethnic groups in Afghanistan is the most important solution to the problems the country is facing.

Cutting Iran ties can’t hide Saudi crime: President Rouhani

Criticism should not be responded to with beheading,” President Rouhani said at a meeting with the Danish foreign minister.

Darougheh House in Mashhad

Darougheh House, which dates back to the Qajar era, has been registered as a national heritage site.

Iran won’t be checkmated by the Saudis

A closer look at Iran's foreign policy over the past three decades shows one delicate point: adventurism has no place in Iran's foreign policy, reads an article on Asr-e Iran website.

Diplomat: Severance of Iran Ties One More Saudi Mistake

Director General for Political and International Affairs at Iran’s foreign ministry Hamid Baeedinejad said the international political think tanks and even the allies of Riyadh affirm that the Saudi rulers’ problem with Iran is Tehran’s increasing power, which is a result of the Islamic Republic’s prudent policies in the region.

Jahangiri: Afghanistan’s security highly important for Iran

Iran's first vice-president has said that the security and stability of Afghanistan is highly important for the Islamic Republic.

New bans, defense restrictions sabotage JCPOA: Iran

Danish Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen said his country is determined to boost relations with Iran in all fields and added that the two countries have numerous grounds for economic and technical cooperation. Tag: Iran-Denmark

Saudi Arabia severing Iran ties wrong policy: Larijani

Iran’s parliament speaker said, “Under the current circumstances, measures are unfortunately taken in the region which are detrimental to the Muslim Ummah and beneficial to the Zionists.”

UN envoy: Iran doing best to arrest attackers of Saudi Embassy

Iran's UN ambassador has expressed regret that some protesters entered the Saudi Embassy building in Tehran and caused some damage to it despite efforts by the law enforcement forces to prevent them from doing so.

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on Jan. 5

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of newspapers on Tuesday and picked headlines from 20 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Highlights of Ettela’at newspaper on Jan. 5

A special look at the headlines Ettela’at newspaper covered on Jan. 5.

Supreme Leader: Elections held in post-Islamic Revolution era all healthy

Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said on Monday that elections held in the post-Islamic revolution era have all been healthy.

Senior cleric describes embassy attack as wrong move

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, a Shiite source of emulation, has rejected as inappropriate the storming of the Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran following the execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

Iran, Denmark express willingness to expand ties

Speaking at a joint press conference with his Danish counterpart, Zarif said there are some who seek to escalate extremism and terrorism in the region.

PART TWO: Iran’s role in and contribution to the war on terror

Iran plays an effective role in international efforts to fight terrorism and its presence is a must, said Jean-Pierre Raffarin, a former French premier.

President Rouhani visits disabled war veteran (PHOTOS)

The president said the patience of veterans such as Hossein Azadbakht serves as a lesson for members of the public and officials.

Saudi Arabia sees survival in escalating tensions: Iran

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari said Saudi Arabia's severance of ties with Iran is part of Riyadh's efforts to divert attention from its domestic problems.

Iran calls off Major Hajj

The spokesman of parliament's Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee has said Major Hajj has been cancelled due to the severance of ties between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Gardens which made it to rooftops (PHOTOS)

One way to get the better of that nostalgic feeling is to have your roof-garden; of course not everyone can afford it.

Execution of Nimr, a message by Riyadh to Tehran

Dr. Abdolamir Nabavi says he believes the execution of Nimr was part of a ploy by hardliners both inside the kingdom and outside to muddy the waters and render relations with Iran tense.

Official: Saudi Arabia can’t cover up mistake by cutting ties with Iran

Iran says that Saudi Arabia has fueled insecurity in the region by making strategic mistakes and adopting hasty and unwise policies which have led to the spread of terrorism and extremism.

Iran, ideal destination for renewable energies investment: VP

We are required to work out scientific strategies and make effective decisions, based on applied studies, to overcome the country's environmental problems, said the Iranian environment chief.

Highlights of Ettela’at newspaper on Jan. 4

A special look at the headlines Ettela’at newspaper covered on Jan. 4.