Advanced version of Iranian satellite to be sent into Space within months

The CEO of Omid Fazaa Company has stated that an upgraded version of the Iranian satellite Kowsar will be launched in the first half of next Iranian year.

Hossein Shahrabi stated that two satellites, Kowsar and Hodhod, which were designed and manufactured by Omid Fazaa Company and Didehpardaz Saba Company, were launched into space on November 6 this year using the Russian Soyuz launcher.

These two satellites are designed to advance precision agriculture: Kowsar is tasked with remote sensing, while Hodhod focuses on Internet of Things (IoT) services.

He added that more than 85% of the components of these satellites have been domestically produced.

Although US-led sanctions have been challenging, we have successfully overcome them, he noted.

He emphasized that guaranteeing the market for space services, pre-purchasing services in this sector, and reducing technology risk in knowledge-based industries are among the most critical measures the government can take to develop the space industry.

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