A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, and picked headlines from 11 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iranian Newspapers

Abrar Newspaper:

1- Gov’t Spokesman: Shutdown Not Good Way to Counter Coronavirus

2- Trump Repeats His Claim Iran Will Be First to Call Him after Re-Election

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Afkar Newspaper:

1- Iran, Iraq Agree Fuel Tankers Start Operation

2- Gov’t Spokesman: Stricter COVID-19 Measures to Be Enforced

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Aftab-e Yazd Newspaper:

1- Why Is Taliban Interested in Trump’s Victory?

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Arman-e Melli Newspaper:

1- More Forex Revenues to Be Returned: Rouhani

2- Unprecedented Increase in Migration of Iranian Nurses

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Ebtekar Newspaper:

1- Biden Maintains Lead over Trump in 10 Out of 11 Key States

2- President’s Important Orders on Stock Market, Frozen Assets

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Ettela’at Newspaper:

1- IRGC’s New Mission Is to Serve Corona Patients: Chief Commander

2- Nine Private Ports to Increase Iran’s Trade under Sanctions

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Jomhouri Eslami Newspaper:

1- Saudi, UAE Pay Huge Bribes for Betraying Assad Upon US Order: Former PM

2- Russia: We’re Worried about Transfer of Terrorists from Syria to Karabakh

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Kayhan Newspaper:

1- US Is with Me, I’m Ready to Counter Hezbollah: Geagea

* Israel’s Pawn Once Again Bluffs

2- IRGC at War Footing for Countering Coronavirus: Chief

3- Gov’t Spokesman: Europe Shouldn’t Just Implement Washington’s Orders

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Mardom Salari Newspaper:

1- Grossi Evades His Legal Responsibility: Is IAEA Chief Defending Agency’s Legal Position?

2- Unusual Reception of Early Voting in US: Long Lines in Georgia

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Setareh Sobh Newspaper:

1- Iran’s COVID-19 Patients Exceed 500,000

2- Oil Ministry Joins Fight against COVID-19

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

Vatan-e Emrooz Newspaper:

1- Successful Test of Coronavirus Vaccine by Iran’s Setad

2- Trump: Protesters Are Animals

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on October 14

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