A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Saturday, June 13, 2020, and picked headlines from 12 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy.

Iranian Newspapers

Abrar Newspaper:

1- Ghani Ready for Talks with Taliban: Qatar Special Envoy
2- Pentagon: It’s Not Clear How Long We’ll Stay in Syria
3- Zarif to Visit Russia, Turkey on Sunday, Monday
4- Rouhani: Sanctions, COVID-19 Failed to Stop Iran
5- Iranian, Russia, Turkish Presidents to Hold Virtual MeetingA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Afkar Newspaper:

1- Coronavirus Did Not Turn into Security Problem: Intelligence Minister
2- US Will Soon Kneel Down Before Iranian Nation: Foreign MinistryA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Aftab-e Yazd Newspaper:

1- US Sanctions The Hague in Unprecedented Move against Int’l BodyA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Arman-e Melli Newspaper:

1- Denmark Accuses Riyadh Affiliates of Terrorist Attempts against Iran
2- Aramco Incident Pretext for Extension of Iran Arms Embargo
3- Iran Is Now at Stage of Coping with Corona: RouhaniA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Ebtekar Newspaper:

1- Rouhani Slams South Korea for Blocking Iranian Assets
2- Zarif’s Reaction to US Bans on ICC: What Else Should Happen for Int’l Community to Wake Up?
3- Washington Once Again Sends Signals for Talks with TehranA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Etemad Newspaper:

1- Trump’s Endless Sanctions: US President Bans ICCA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Ettela’at Newspaper:

1- Zarif: US Has No Right to Abuse UN, IAEA against Iran
2- US Armed Protesters Seize Major Part of Seattle, Declare AutonomyA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Iran Newspaper:

1- Beijing Opposed to Extension of Iran Arms Embargo: Foreign MinistryA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Jomhouri Eslami Newspaper:

1- UAE Envoy: We’ve Given Too Many Concessions to Israel
2- Global Condemnation of US Move to Sanction ICCA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Kayhan Newspaper:

1- COVID-19 Patients Using New Iranian Drug Recovering in Larger Numbers
2- Russia, China Say Big No to US Bid to Extend Iran Arms EmbargoA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Mardom Salari Newspaper:

1- Trump Once Again Says US Ready for Talks with TehranA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

Shargh Newspaper:

1- Why Iran Doesn’t Take Trump’s Preparedness for Talks Not Seriously? [Editorial]
2- Planned Exit from IraqA Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on June 13

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