Iran warns France of “reprecussions” for hosting terror group meeting

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman has warned the French government of "political and legal reprecussios" for hosting the gatheting of the anti-Iran terror group, Mojahedin Khalgh, MKO.

Nasser Kanaani strongly condemned the French government act to host the terror group’s gathering.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that French government officials opt for providing the ground for the gathering of terrorists, after their recent scandal in Albania that reverberated across the world.

He was referring to the recent raid of the Albanian police on the Camp Ashraf in Albania where the terror group is based.

Nasser Kanaani said France playing host to a gathering of the MKO terrorist cult at the same time with the political and social discontent and nationwide popular protests in the European country is “a result of the French government’s lack of attention to the demands of its own citizens and continuation of political support for terrorist groupings.”

The Foreign Ministry spokesman warned of the political and legal repercussions of the continuation of the approach of the French government to support and host terrorists and murderers of Iranian citizens and officials.

More than 17,000 Iranians, including government officials, have fallen victim to the MKO terrorist acts.

The MKO sided with the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during the 1980-88 war, involving in the killing of Iranians.

“Terrorists, who have betrayed their own country and people by committing horrible and shocking crimes, will definitely not spare their foreign sponsors of such betrayal. From this viewpoint, supporters of terrorists not only will not benefit from them, but also they will ultimately suffer the backlash from their own measures”, said Kanaani.

Kanaani also advised French government officials to attend to the demands of their own people rather than supporting terrorist groupings to spark terror and riots in other countries.

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