5th Iranian Border Guard May Be Alive in Pakistan

The 5th Iranian border guard who was abducted by Jeish al-Adl terrorist group along with four of his comrades in February and was not released when the other four were set free earlier this month might be alive and kept hostage in Pakistan, a senior member of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said.

“One of the strongest scenarios is that (Jamshid) Danayee-Far is still alive and (being kept) in Pakistan,” Nozar Shafiyee told FNA on Saturday.

On the basis of the same scenario, he said, the terrorist group might have kept Danayee-Far to make a deal with the Iranian government.

Shafiyee said that all the governmental bodies, including the parliament, intelligence ministry, the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) and the foreign ministry, are making their utmost efforts to secure Danayee-Far’s release.

Jeish Al-Adl has claimed that it has killed Danayee-Far, but Commander of the Iranian Border Guard Units General Hossein Zolfaqari rejected the claim last Saturday, saying it was not substantiated by any proof or evidence.

“Don’t accept any quotes about the issue of the border guards, there is no proof substantiating the martyrdom of (Jamshid) Danayee-Far (the fifth border guard) and no evidence has been presented to us in this regard,” Zolfaqari told reporters in Tehran last week.

The four Iranian border guards who had been handed over to the country’s officials in neighboring Pakistan last month returned home two months after their abduction.

The five Iranian border guards were abducted in Jakigour region of Iran’s Sistan and Balouchestan Province on February 6 and taken to Pakistan. Reports said earlier that one of them, Danayee-Far, was killed late last month but the official sources haven’t confirmed his death yet.

Iranian Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said earlier this month that Tehran will continue pursuing the fate of the 5th border guard abducted by Jeish al-Adl terrorist group.

Tehran would by no means accept the death of the fifth kidnapped border guard, Jamshid Danayee-Far, and will increase diplomatic efforts to find him, Rahmani Fazli said.

The Iranian interior minister took the Pakistani government responsible for following up the case of the last kidnapped Iranian border guard.

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