US says captured Daesh operative in Syria operation

US forces last week captured an Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISISL or Daesh) operative in a late-night raid in eastern Syria, the Pentagon announced on Wednesday. Syria has repeatedly opposed the presence of US forces in the country under the pretext of fighting terror.

The April 8 raid led to the capture of Daesh attack facilitator Hudayfah al Yemeni and two of his associates, a seizure that “will disrupt the organization’s ability to plot and carry out operations,” US Central Command said in a statement.

No civilians were assessed as killed or injured in the operation, according to CENTCOM.

“Operations against ISIS are important for the security and stability of the region,” command spokesperson Col. Joe Buccino stated in the statement, adding, “ISIS remains a threat to the region and beyond — the group retains the capability to conduct operations in Iraq and Syria with a desire to strike beyond the Middle East, and its vile ideology remains a threat.”

American troops last apprehended an ISIS official in a helicopter raid in eastern Syria in February. That capture was of Batar, an ISIS Syria Province official.

That came days after four US troops and a combat dog were injured in a separate helicopter raid that killed senior ISIS leader Hamza al-Homsi.

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