Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

Ball Is Now in US Court, Iran’s Rouhani Tells Swiss President

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says the ball is now in the US court, as its return to compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal will lead to Iran’s return to fulfilling its obligations under the JCPOA.

Iran Says INSTEX Must Prove Its Efficiency

Iran says the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), the financial mechanism proposed by Europeans to enable Iran to get round US sanctions, has failed to prove itself effective in the past two years.

Swiss Top Diplomat to Visit Iran on Monday

Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh says Ignazio Cassis, the head of Switzerland's Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), will visit Tehran at the head of a delegation in coming days.

INSTEX Not Meeting Iran’s Needs in Fight against Corona: Official

An Iranian official says the EU’s financial mechanism to facilitate trade with Iran known as INSTEX is not meeting the country's needs to confront the Coronavirus.

INSTEX; A European Effort to Save JCPOA or Another Anti-Iran Plot?

Europe seems to be using INSTEX  as a tool to prevent the total collapse of the Iran nuclear deal and to maintain its independence against the US, but is that the whole story?

50 Firms Keen to Join Swiss Channel for Trade with Iran: Bern

A Swiss senior official has said that the financial channel between Switzerland and Iran has had a flying start as 50 companies have expressed keenness to trade through the so-called humanitarian channel.

Iran Says Europe’s INSTEX of No Use to Date

Iran’s Ambassador to Russia Kazem Jalali says Europe's special financial mechanism, which was supposed to facilitate trade with Iran in the face of US sanctions, have been of no use since its launch.

Iran Says Swiss Channel for Medicine Imports ‘Hyped Up’

Tehran has criticized the media hype regarding Switzerland’s launch of what it calls a “humanitarian” channel for the import of medicine into Iran in the face of US sanctions, saying the move was helpful but not much worth highlighting as it was fully paid for by the Iranian nation’s money.

INSTEX of No Use If Oil Revenues Not Secured: Iran

Governor of Iran's central bank says as long as the Europeans do not buy Iran’s oil and Tehran does not receive the oil revenues, the European financial mechanism known as INSTEX will be of no use.

JCPOA Joint Commission Wraps Up Meeting with Final Statement

The Joint Commission on Iran’s nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has wound up its meeting in Vienna, Austria, by issuing a final statement.

Zarif Urges EU to Save Iranian Kids with EB Instead of Threats

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has urged European countries, Sweden in particular, to allow the sale of wound dressings to Iranian kids suffering from the epidermolysis bullosa (EB) instead of making threats against Iran.

Iran Welcomes More EU States Joining INSTEX

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Seyyed Abbas Araqchi has hailed the reports that six other European countries are joining the special financial mechanism known as INSTEX, saying that Tehran hopes the move will give new energy to the mechanism and make it operational.

France’s Mission in New Round of Talks over JCPOA

The world is currently experiencing multiple political and security developments, the fate of which can affect the political and security equation in whole or in part.

Iran, Slovenia Hold Political Consultations in Ljubljana

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Abbas Araqchi has continued his consultations with senior Slovenian officials in the European country’s capital of Ljubljana.

Finland Says EU Defies US Sanctions on Iran through INSTEX

Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto has expressed Helsinki’s support for a special trade mechanism, known as INSTEX, which is to facilitate trade with Tehran amid the US sanctions.

UK Says Iran Must Be Allowed to Sell Its Oil

The United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Tehran Rob Macaire says the Islamic Republic must be allowed to sell its crude oil despite the US sanctions, and London supports the country in doing that.

Zarif: US Isolated Under Yoke of B-Team

The US government has been politically isolated in the world, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said, advising Washington to liberate itself from the yoke of the B-Team (Bin Salman, Bin Zayed, Bolton, and Bibi) to be able to behave wisely.

Iran to Take 3rd Nuclear Step in September, Zarif Warns EU

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has warned the European Union that Iran will start the third phase of scaling back its commitments under the Iran nuclear deal as of September if the other sides fail to live up to their obligations under the 2015 accord.

Iran Says Not Pinned Any Hope on Europe’s INSTEX

Iran’s deputy foreign minister for political affairs says the government has told all Iranian organisations not to pin hope on the European financial mechanism, known as INSTEX, which was meant to facilitate trade with Tehran under the US sanctions.

Iran to Remain Committed to JCPOA as Much as Europe Does

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Tehran will remain committed to the Iran nuclear deal exactly in the same way that the Europeans do.

Iran to Surpass 3.67% Uranium Enrichment Level Sunday: Rouhani

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the Islamic Republic will increase the level of its uranium enrichment as part of the second phase of reducing its nuclear deal commitments on July 7, when the 60-day deadline it had given the Europeans will end.

Iran Says Not Satisfied with INSTEX Implementation

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman says the way that the European financial mechanism, INSTEX, is currently being implemented is not what Iran has been asking for.

INSTEX Shows Europe Distancing Itself from US: Iran

Iran says the special payment mechanism introduced by Europe to bypass the US sanctions on Iran, known as INSTEX, shows even Washington’s closest allies are distancing themselves from the US.

Rouhani Urged to Learn from JCPOA, Not Be Deceived by INSTEX

Iranian conservative daily Kayhan has warned the administration of Hassan Rouhani against accepting the INSTEX, a special trade mechanism proposed by Europe, saying that Tehran must not be deceived by the “void” package once more.

‘Iran Working on Forex Plans Independent of INSTEX’

The governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) says the country has plans to work independently from the European Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), which has so far failed to help Iran reap the benefits of the Iran nuclear deal in the face of the US bans.

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