
Iraq Fights ISIS on Behalf of Entire World: Envoy

Iraq’s ambassador to Tehran says his country represented the whole world in its fight against ISIS, and now his country needs global help and support to reconstruct the city of Mosul which was recently liberated from terrorists.

US Downplaying Iran’s Role in Mosul Liberation: Analyst

A political analyst says Washington seeks to play down the Islamic Republic of Iran’s role in the recapture of Mosul from ISIS terrorists.

US Divisive Plots Foiled by Mosul Liberation: Iranian General

Iran's chief Armed Forces spokesman says the liberation of the Iraqi northern city of Mosul from the grip of Daesh Takfiri terrorist group sounded the death knell for the divisive plots hatched by the US and its regional allies.

‘Iran Played Key Role in Liberation of Mosul’

A top Iranian politician says the Islamic Republic played a major role in the liberation of the Iraqi city of Mosul.

Iraqi PM Officially Declares Victory over ISIS

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has formally declared victory of the country’s forces over the ISIS Takfiri terrorist group one day after the country’s military and Popular Mobilization Forces took full control of the northern city.

‘Int’l Conference Should Be Held on Fight against ISIS’

Major General Qassemi Soleimani, the commander of IRGC Quds Force, says it is necessary to hold international conferences on fighting the ISIS terrorist group.

Mosul Liberated 3 Years after Al-Baghdadi Proclaimed ‘Caliphate’

The operation to liberate Mosul from the ISIS terrorists was completed three years after the terrorist group’s ringleader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared himself “caliph” in the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in 2014.

Iran FM, Iraq’s Ammar Hakim Meet in Tehran

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has held talks with Ammar Hakim, the Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq (ISCI), on the latest developments in the Arab country.

ISIS Burns Its Cleric for Hinting at Al-Baghdadi’s Death

Abu Qutaiba, one of the ISIS’ Friday prayer leaders, has been executed by the terrorist group on charge of confirming the news of their leader al-Baghdadi’s death during his sermon in Tal Afar, near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, on Friday (June 30).

Iranian Speaker Congratulates Iraq on Mosul Liberation

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani congratulated the Iraqi nation and government on the liberation of Mosul from the hands of the Takfiri Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorists.

Iran Congratulates Iraq on ISIS Defeat in Mosul

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman has congratulated Iraq on the heavy defeat suffered by ISIS terrorists in Mosul, and called for the continuation of collective campaign to dry up the financial and intellectual sources of terrorism.

Iran’s President Congratulates Iraq on Mosul Liberation

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated Iraq on liberating its northern city of Mosul from Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group that took months of difficult battle.

Iraq Announces Mosul Liberation, Fall of ISIS

Iraqi State TV in a breaking news has reported that "the mythical state" has fallen. The "mythical state" refers to the terrorist group of ISIS.

Full Liberation of Mosul Imminent as Noose Tightened on ISIS

The full liberation of the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from the ISIS terrorists is in the offing as the Iraqi armed forces have already begun advancing towards the western part of the town.

ISIS Suicide Vehicles on Show in Iraq’s Mosul

The northern Iraqi city of Mosul is hosting an exhibition of the vehicles used by the ISIS terrorists in carrying out suicide attacks.

Iraqi Forces Free 500 Hostages Taken by ISIS

Iraqi forces have managed to find and liberate 500 Iraqis held hostage by the ISIS terrorists in a hospital in western Mosul, north of Iraq.

30% of West Mosul Retaken from ISIS: Commander

An Iraqi commander announced that the country’s forces have retaken around 30 percent of west Mosul from ISIS militants, as soldiers are pushing into more districts

Russia Surprised by West’s Inaction on Use of Chemicals in Mosul

Russian Defence Ministry spokesman says the country is surprised by a lack of a proper response on the part of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to the use of chemical weapons in Iraq’s Mosul.

ISIS Leader May Have Escaped Iraq’s Mosul

The ISIS terrorist group’s leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has once again slipped through the fingertips of Iraqi forces and allied troops controlling the area around Mosul, Iraq.

Over 45,000 Displaced by Fighting in West Mosul

The ongoing operation to retake west Mosul from extremists has pushed more than 45,000 people to flee, the International Organisation for Migration said on Sunday (March 5).

Iraq Raps Efforts by Turkey, Arab States to Stall Mosul’s Liberation

An Iraqi politician has accused Turkey and a number of neighbouring countries of attempting to suspend the operations to liberate the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

16,000 Children Head Back to School in Iraq’s Mosul

Thousands of Iraqi children are heading back to school in east Mosul after weeks of fighting and more than two years of the ISIS terrorist group’s rule, the UN children's fund UNICEF said Tuesday.

Liberation of Mosul’s Great Mosque

The Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul, a mosque that had turned into an icon of terror because of the ISIS terrorists’ violent acts, has been liberated by Iraqi forces.

Iraq Will Soon Celebrate Liberation of Mosul: MP

Following the recent advancements of Iraqi Army in the fight against Takfiri [extremist] terrorists, an Iranian Parliament member believes that Mosul is to be liberated soon.

Iraqi Forces One Step Closer to Liberation of Mosul

Iraqi Special Forces have pushed forward to reach a second bridge that links eastern Mosul to the city’s west, which is still fully controlled by the ISIS terrorist group, a military statement said on Friday.

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