Russia blames US, E3 for raising unfounded accusations against Iran

A senior Russian diplomat has blasted the United States and its European allies for hurling “baseless allegations against Tehran’s nuclear program” during a session of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors. Mikhail Ulyanov noted that “it’s difficult to take them seriously".

Ulyanov, Russia’s permanent envoy to international organizations in Vienna, exhorted the United States and the E3 — France, Germany and the UK — to return to the Vienna talks to finalize an agreement aimed at reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.

“In the IAEA BoG Western states expressed numerous complaints and concerns about nuclear programme of Iran. It’s difficult to take them seriously, because the US and the E3 can help settle these problems fast if they return to the Vienna talks to finalise the agreement on JCPOA,” Ulyanov wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.

Representatives of the United States, the European Union, and the E3 reiterated their allegations against Iran’s nuclear program during a Board of Governors meeting regarding the verification and inspection of Iran’s nuclear activities under UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

They demanded Iran fully implement its obligations under the 2015 agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), without mentioning the United States as the party whose unilateral withdrawal from the accord in 2018 put its fate in limbo.

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