Replacement of a minister won’t change the government course

President pledges that his government won’t change course following the impeachment of his science minister.

The Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) August 23, 2014 reported that on the first day of the Government Week Saturday President Hassan Rouhani paid a visit to the Mausoleum of Imam Khomeini to reaffirm allegiance to the ideals of the architect of the Islamic Republic. The following is an excerpt of the report the news agency filed on the speech the president made there:

President Hassan Rouhani reassured the public that the replacement of a single person [a reference to his minister of science, research and technology who was impeached and dismissed by the Islamic Consultative Assembly on August 20] won’t change the course of his government which he said the people have determined through their votes.

“Let me tell everyone that my government will respect the views of critics but won’t keep silent in the face of those who are bent on smearing the reputation of the executive branch and the establishment.”
Rouhani at Imam Khomeini Mausoleum

He pledged his government would remain resolute in battling corruption on various fronts, including academic graft. “Let me tell everyone that my government will respect the views of critics but won’t keep silent in the face of those who are bent on smearing the reputation of the executive branch and the establishment.”

“God willing, by the end of the year [March 21, 2015] for the first time in two years Iran’s economy will post growth.”
President Rouhani added

President Rouhani further said the first priority of his government is to lower inflation and help push the country’s economic growth into positive territory. “God willing, by the end of the year [March 21, 2015] for the first time in two years Iran’s economy will post growth.”

As for foreign policy, the president said that logic, the rights of the Iranians and international law will be at the center of the talks [with P5+1]. “We hope the success we secure in the negotiations will serve the interests of Iran and the entire region. To that end, we have tried our best and will continue to do our utmost.”

Mr. Rouhani went on to say that Imam Khomeini taught the nation a lesson in moderation. “The late Imam struck a balance between Republicanism and Islam. […] He was equally brave in opting for war and for peace.” […]

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