Navy commander: Presence in high seas sign of Iran’s might

Commander of the Iranian Navy Rear Admiral Shahram Irani says the presence of Iranian naval vessels in the high seas is a sign of the country's strength.

“The reason why the Navy focuses on being present in waters far away is that this presence with military units is a sign of the country’s might. Destroyers of the naval units that we send for such missions have mostly been built domestically…so that this is a manifestation of our capability,” Shahram Irani stated in an exclusive interview with Tasnim News Agency.

The commander said naval missions in international waters show that despite facing an evil triangle of conspiracy, threats and sanctions over the past 40 years, Iran has been able to stand on its own feet.

He noted that this presence has been in accordance with the orders of Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

Iran’s naval forces have expanded their operations in international waters in recent years to protect merchant ships and oil tankers.

Last year, an Iranian Navy flotilla entered the Atlantic Ocean for the first time.

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