Minister: Fajr Intl. Film Festival to feature ‘Haj Qassem’ special section

Iranian Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Mahdi Esmaeili says a special section will be allocated to Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in this year’s International Fajr Film Festival.

Esmaeili made the comment as preparations are in place to commemorate the second anniversary of the assassination of the former senior Islamic Revolution Guards Corps commander.

He was assassinated in a US drones strike near Baghdad Airport on January 3, 2020, while accompanied by senior commander of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units Abu Mahdi al-Mohandis.

“The Islamic Republic has launched a clear strategy and has managed to bring change to this region. Fighting oppression and promoting resistance are messages of the revolution, which have come to be known as the school of resistance, and over the past three decades, this has been the school of Haj Qassem [Soleimani] and he has been a symbol of this strategy,” Esmaeili said.

The minister also praised the character of the late general in terms of rationality, morality and spirituality as well as the sacrifices he made. He said this should be reflected in the cultural domain, especially in media, amid at what he called the “war of narratives” with enemies.

Esmaeili added that his ministry is also cooperating with other state bodies to support relevant popular moves including dozens of festivals of theater, visual arts and music.

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