IRGC commander: Israel martyred 2 Iranians but lost 7 Zionists

The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps says the Zionist regime is in a dire situation as it’s surrounded from all sides by the axis of resistance.

General Hossein Salami said today, the Zionist regime is hit by missiles from Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip and, at the same time, the flames of wrath are raging from the West Bank.

Salami added that Israel has built walls around itself and monitors them with the most powerful sensors and not even an animal can cross the borders, but “invisible hands” armed the West Bank and modern automatic guns have ended up in the hands of the Palestinians.

Salami said over the past week, Palestinians carried out 165 operations that half of them were shootings.

He also said Israel martyred two Iranians in Syria, but it lost seven Zionists in attacks by invisible forces.

Salami noted that the Zionist regime is now isolated more than ever before.

Salami noted that all these developments show the Zionist regime is on the decline.

The IRGC commander further spoke about the US’s standing in the Middle East. He said the US now has only a few bases in the region.

Salami added that Washington’s influence has waned in the Middle East and it is unable to push its policies in regional countries.

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