Iraq’s Al-Nujabad movement: Credible info Mossad agents killed in Iranian attack

The leader of Iraq’s Al-Nujaba movement has said Iran’s recent missile strike on Erbil targeted the lair of the Zionists who have been given sanctuary by a family notorious for being mercenaries.

Sheikh Akram Al-Kaabi said the Barzani family gives shelter to Iraq’s enemies so that they will weaken and partition it and secede the Kurdistan region from the country.

Kaabi said the mere fact that the Barzanis give the Israeli regime intelligence apparatus Mossad a safe haven justifies any party’s attack on the Zionists.

The leader of Al-Nujaba movement then welcomed an inquiry into the presence of Mossad in Kurdistan, saying the formation of such a committee must end up strengthening Baghdad’s rule over the region and prevent further defiance by the government in Erbil.

He said Al-Nujaba has credible information how many Mossad agents were killed in the Iranian missile attack.

Iran says it fired nearly a dozen Fateh missiles at the place where the Zionists had gathered, killing a number of them.

A media source from inside Iraq also said the projectiles slammed into two Mossad training centers.

Iran has said the attack by the precision missiles was in response to the Israel regime’s shenanigans in the region and warned of more destructive attacks in the future

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