Zist Tashkhis Sanjeh Company has produced and launched these diagnostic kits, enabling quick identification of the prevalent cancer type. To date, around 600,000 individuals have utilized these kits as part of a nationwide screening program, and usage thereof is expected to increase significantly.
According to the World Health Organization, the incidence of reported cancers in developing countries has risen dramatically, from 15% in 1970 to a projected 70% by 2030. In Iran alone, approximately 12,000 new cases of colon cancer are diagnosed annually.
The Iranian Ministry of Health recommends annual screenings for individuals over 50 and those with a family history of colon cancer.
Traditionally, colonoscopy has been the standard method for detecting colon cancer; however, its invasive nature poses challenges for many patients.
The newly developed rapid test kits offer a non-invasive alternative that is both cost-effective and efficient. Unlike previous reliance on imported kits, which faced difficulties due to sanctions, these locally produced kits boast over 90% accuracy and are designed for easy use without the need for specialized laboratory equipment.
The rapid tests provide results within 10 to 20 minutes, making them accessible even in remote areas.
Early detection is crucial as colon cancer often shows no symptoms in its initial stages. By facilitating early diagnosis, these kits can significantly reduce treatment costs and improve the outcome for patients.
As Iran continues to enhance its healthcare capabilities, this innovative diagnostic tool represents a vital step forward in effectively combating colon cancer.