Iranian daily: Taliban on ethnic cleansing rampage of Shias, Iran silent

An Iranian newspaper has slammed officials in Iran for turning a blind eye to what it calls an ‘ethnic cleansing and killing spree of Shia Muslims’ in neighboring Afghanistan under the Taliban rulers.

Jomhouri-e Eslami, in its Monday edition, had harsh words for the Iranian media and officials for burying the news that seven worshippers were killed in a Shia mosque in Afghanistan’s Herat Province last week.

It wrote, “Unfortunately, this method has become common that the innocent people in Afghanistan are martyred in the new period of the Takfiri terrorist Taliban ruling, and based on an unwritten contract, it seems Iranian officials are supposed to remain silent in the face of the killing of the Muslims in Afghanistan.”

Tracing the pattern of the deadly blasts and bombing incidents in Afghanistan, Johmouri-e Eslami wrote that members of the Hazara community in the Shia-populated areas, mostly in Herat Province, fall victim to the incidents on an almost weekly basis.

The daily argued, “It is completely obvious that the Taliban are trying to ethnically cleanse, religiously cleanse and uproot their opponents and they are implementing the decision with a firm determination.”

It also refuted Taliban claims that Daesh is behind the terrorist attacks, saying the Taliban pin the blame on Daesh in order not to further tarnish its international image.

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