Iranian Armed Forces to Screen People for Coronavirus

A spokesman for Iran’s Armed Forces says the fixed and mobile clinics of the Armed Forces, which have been set up since Friday, will start screening the people for coronavirus and this will be carried out soon.

General Abolfazl Shekarchi noted that after the Leader’s order to the Armed Forces Chief of Staff Major General Mohammad Baqeri, a meeting was immediately held on Friday at a camp called Imam Reza with the presence of commanders of the armed forces and deputy chiefs of staff.

He added that the health ministry had some requests. One of the issues raised was assisting the ministry in the screening process. The fixed and mobile clinics set up by the armed forces are scheduled to perform this job in a short while.

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“Another issue is the increase in hospital beds. Today, a large part of the armed forces hospital beds are at the service of the patients and the health ministry. This number is expected to double and 10,000 rest beds will also be given to the ministry,” underlined Shekarchi.

This Iranian top general maintained that logistical assistance in the production of masks and disinfectants was also requested by the health ministry, and all the armed forces bodies, especially the defence ministry were tasked with meeting most of these needs.
The armed forces were also asked to assist the health ministry by providing specialised human resources and services.

A decision was also made to cut Coronavirus Transmission Chain. The armed forces would use the power of law enforcement to increase public participation against the deadly virus, stressed Shekarchi.

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