Iran Summons French Envoy over Macron’s Anti-Islam Stances

The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the French charge d'affaires to Tehran in protest at Paris authorities’ insistence on adopting anti-Islam stances.

The Foreign Ministry summoned Florent Aydalot in the absence of the French ambassador to convey Tehran’s dismay at Paris officials’ support for the publication of profane cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad by the French satirical weekly magazine Charlie Hebdo.

In the meeting with Aydalot, the deputy director general for European affairs at the Iranian foreign ministry condemned French authorities’ unacceptable actions which have inflamed the sentiments of millions of Muslims in Europe and in other parts of the world.

“Any insult to, and disrespect for Prophet Muhammad and the pure values of Islam, by any individual and with any position, is strongly condemned and rejected,” said the Iranian official.

“Fanning the flames of Islamophobia and hatemongering is a source of deep regret,” especially when it is carried out under the name of freedom of speech, which is supposed to serve understanding, empathy, and peaceful coexistence among human societies, the Iranian official said.

“French officials’ injudicious reaction to the move by extremists who commit acts of violence in the name of Islam will only lay the groundwork for the growth of tendencies that are deviant and are not in conformity with this divine faith (Islam), which only promises tolerance, rationality, peace and justice-seeking,” he said.

The French diplomat, in turn, promised to inform relevant authorities in his country of Iran’s protest at the French government’s stance in that regard.

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