Iran Strongly Denounces Kazakh Terrorist Attacks

Foreign Ministry Spokesman expressed Iran’s strong disapproval of inhumane actions and terrorist attacks including a recent deadly shooting in the Kazakh largest city, Almaty, on Monday, July 18.

Speaking to reporters, Bahram Qassemi strongly condemned and expressed concern over the aggressive actions in Kazakhstan.

He went on to say that the increase of terrorist operations in neighbouring countries is alarming.

He further stressed that all regional countries should fight against terrorism through joint efforts.

Terrorist acts, aggression and violation are not acceptable, no matter where and when they take place, he noted.

Security forces in Kazakhstan arrested two men suspected of gunning down five people in attacks on a police station and a security building on Monday in the country’s economic capital, Almaty.

Kazakhstan’s National Security Committee (KNB) declared its “anti-terror” operation over in the financial capital after detaining the two suspects.

Three police officers and two civilians were shot dead in what President Nursultan Nazarbayev called “a terrorist act”.

The KNB announced “the conclusion of the anti-terror operation” and lowered the terror threat level from “critical” red to “moderate” yellow shortly after detaining the second of the two men.

The first suspect is accused of killing a local resident during a carjacking and attacking the police station in broad daylight, then shooting dead a police officer and seizing his gun, the interior ministry said.

A civilian also died during the shooting at the police station.

The suspect then shot dead two officers as they gave chase, before he was arrested.

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