Iran Pushing on with Economic Plans Despite Coronavirus: Rouhani

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rouhani says the outbreak of coronavirus has not brought economic activities in the country to a halt, describing the inauguration of new projects as a testimony to Iran’s unfaltering progress.

Addressing a ceremony held in Tehran on Thursday to inaugurate several national projects carried out by the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, President Rouhani said economic activities are currently underway across the country despite the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

The strict restrictions placed on businesses in February and March have been lifted, the president noted, but emphasized that all economic activities must fully comply with the health regulations to prevent any problem.

President Rouhani also noted that inauguration of new road and housing projects in a very tough year when Iran is struggling with severe sanctions and the COVID-19 pandemic at the same time has given the world the message that “the Iranian nation’s move towards honor and excellence does not stall and Iran keeps to the path to development.”

The president further highlighted the significant role of transportation industry in dealing with the coronavirus-related problems, saying the administration gives priority to the health and the livelihood of people.

“Transportation accounts for a large share of the currency revenues, the exports and the production,” President Rouhani added, saying the process of exports and imports relies on the land, railway, maritime, and aerial transportation.

Pointing to the pressure that the coronavirus outbreak has put on the transportation and tourism industries in Iran, the president said the transportation has begun to revive since May.

“Thank God, we are witnessing very good movements in the maritime routes and the ports, particularly in Chabahar, as well as in the railroad and land transportation,” President Rouhani added.

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