Iran president: Israel to receive harsh response in case of aggression against Iranian soil

The Iranian president has warned the Israeli regime of a stronger response should Tel Viv launch aggression against Iranian interests.

“If the Israeli regime conducts the slightest act of aggression against our soil, it will receive a severe and hard response,” said Ebrahim Raisi in a ceremony in Tehran marking National Army Day in the country.

He said the reprisal operation launched by Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) against Israeli military targets in the occupied territories was carried out on a limited scale just to punish the Tel Aviv regime.

“If it were a full-blown attack, nothing would have been left of the Israeli regime,” he explained.

The president added Iran’s operation was a ‘prudent and calculated’ move that ‘shattered the Israeli regime’s hollow power.’

He then praised the Iranian Armed Forces for their military prowess and efforts to safeguard the country’s frontiers and security.

President Raisi said the Iranian military has always stood by the people and brought honor upon the nation.

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