Iran, Nicaragua seek expansion of economic cooperation

Top diplomats of Iran and Nicaragua have held a phone conversation to discuss the further expansion of cooperation between the two countries, especially in the economic sector.

During the talks on Friday with his Nicaraguan opposite number, Denis Moncada, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian offered congratulations to Daniel Ortega and the Sandanista movement over the victory in Nicaragua’s presidential election.

He said the participation of Iranian Vice President Mohsen Rezaei in Ortega’s swearing-in ceremony showed that the Islamic Republic of Iran attaches significance to the enhancement of cooperation with Nicaragua and other Latin American states.

Amir Abdollahian added that Iran was ready to activate all the agreements reached between the two sides during Rezaei’s stay in Nicaragua.

The Iranian minister hailed the current level of political relations between Tehran and Managua and expressed hope that the two sides will be able to boost the level of their economic cooperation as well.

For his part, Moncada said it was an honor for his country to have hosted Rezaei for Ortega’s swearing-in ceremony, conveying the Nicaraguan president’s warm greetings to the Iranian nation and government.

He also highlighted the agreements struck between the two sides in different economic fields, including medical supplies, science, technology and industry, saying his country was prepared to implement the deals as soon as possible.

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