Iran negotiator optimistic about reaching a deal in foreseeable future

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator says as a result of interactions and meetings held over the past few days at the expert level and by senior negotiating officials in Vienna, the differences between Iran and the P4+1 group over negotiable issues are decreasing.

Ali Bagheri Kani touched on the latest situation of the Vienna talks, saying two main issues should be separated. One thing, he added, is the existence of differences between the parties on issues being negotiated, and another issue is about one-on-one differences between Iran and each of the parties to the talks.

Bagheri Kani said over the past few days, the parties to the talks have been reaching a clear conclusion on the scope of the issues that must be on the agenda of negotiations.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister continued, “I think this is a very good progress, and if we can reach a conclusion on negotiable issues, it will be an important step because at first the parties were divided over the matter.”

Bagheri Kani referred to outside attempt to derail the negotiations through propaganda. He said it’s highly unlikely such attempts will be fruitful for Iran’s adversaries.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister also spoke of the US’s return to the JCPOA. He said the key condition for Washington to return to the deal is the removal of anti-Iran sanctions.

Bagheri expressed optimism about the outcome of the Vienna talks. He however said Iran will never forget the hostile moves against the country by the other sides.

Bagheri Kani added that despite this dark record, Iran is optimistic that it can reach a deal with them in the foreseeable future given the Islamic republic’s robust logic and stance.

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