Iran writes letter to UN chief, warns US, Israel against any military action

The Iranian permanent ambassador to the UN Amir Saeid Iravani has reiterated Iran’s right to respond to any act of aggression by the Israeli regime against Tehran’s nuclear program, warning that Iran will hold the US accountable for explicitly supporting such terrorist moves.

Iravani made the remarks in a Tuesday letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the head of the Security Council, days after US national security advisor Jake Sullivan stated Washington would do whatever was necessary to prevent Iran from acquiring a “nuclear weapon,… including by recognizing Israel’s freedom of action.”


“Considering the foregoing, the Islamic Republic of Iran warns against any possible miscalculation or adventurist acts against its peaceful nuclear program and reserves its inherent and legitimate right under international law to take all necessary measures to protect and defend its citizens, interests, installations, and sovereignty against any aggression, including any terrorist, military, or sabotage acts,” Iravani stressed.

The full text of Iravani’s letter is as follows:

In the name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful


Upon instructions from my Government, I would like to draw the Security Council’s attention to yet another violation of international law by the United States of America against Iran. In his statements addressed to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy on May 4, 2023, Jake Sullivan, the National Security Advisor to the President of the United States, implicitly threatened to use force against Iran’s peaceful nuclear facilities by way of the US support of the so-called recognition of the Israeli regime’s freedom of action. While Mr. Sullivan expressed the United States’ diplomatic involvement with Iran on the matter, he went on to say, “…But we have made clear to Iran that it can never be permitted to obtain a nuclear weapon. As President Biden has repeatedly reaffirmed, he will take the actions that are necessary to stand by this statement, including by recognizing Israel’s freedom of action”.[1]

Without a doubt, this irresponsible, provocative, and belligerent statement violates international law and the United Nations Charter, particularly Article 2(4), as it threatens to use force against the peaceful nuclear facilities of a Member State of the United Nations. Furthermore, such a statement not only implies the United States’ potential complicity in any future acts of terrorism or aggression carried out by the Israeli regime against Iran, including against its peaceful nuclear facilities, but it also serves as an admission of responsibility by the US for its role in assisting, facilitating, and supporting Israel’s terrorist and sabotage operations against Iranian officials, scientists, civilians, and peaceful nuclear facilities, thus requiring the United States to bear the consequences of such internationally wrongful acts, in accordance with international law.

The Islamic Republic of Iran reiterates the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program and its adherence to international obligations. The Islamic Republic of Iran has always maintained that its pursuit of nuclear technology is exclusively for peaceful purposes, and it has never sought, nor will it ever seek, to develop nuclear weapons. This is a firm and unwavering decision of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In this context, any claim to the contrary is completely unfounded and invalid. The assertion that the United States will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons is a distortion of reality and another cynical attempt of the United States to further its political agenda. Therefore, the United States should stop propagating false allegations and misinformation about Iran’s peaceful nuclear program.

Considering the foregoing, the Islamic Republic of Iran warns against any possible miscalculation or adventurist acts against its peaceful nuclear program and reserves its inherent and legitimate right under international law to take all necessary measures to protect and defend its citizens, interests, installations, and sovereignty against any aggression, including any terrorist, military, or sabotage acts.

I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.

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