Iran Condoles with Egypt over Mursi’s Demise

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyyed Abbas Mousavi has expressed condolences on the death of former Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi.

In a statement on Tuesday, Mousavi voiced sorrow and regret over the news of the passing of Mursi, who had been picked as Egypt’s president in the first major democratic election after the victory of the Egyptian nation’s popular uprising.

“While respecting the viewpoints of the great and brave Egyptian nation, the Islamic Republic of Iran condoles with the people as well as Mursi’s family, survivors and fans over his demise, and wishes divine blessing and mercy for him, patience and divine reward for his survivors, and success for the great Egyptian nation,” Mousavi said.

Mursi died at the age of 67 in court, state television reported on Monday.

Egypt’s state TV said Mursi had fainted after a court session and died afterwards.

Mursi was democratically elected in 2012 after the 2011 wave of revolutions in the Arab world saw the end of President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule in Egypt.

He was then toppled following mass protests and a military coup in July 2013.

The deceased served just one year of a four-year presidential term, while the organization to which he belonged, the Muslim Brotherhood, has since been outlawed.

Mursi had received at least one lifetime prison sentence and had been added to Egypt’s official list of “terrorists”.

In 2015, he received a death sentence for escaping from prison during Egypt’s 2011 popular uprising.

In the same year, he was convicted of “spying” for Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, for which he was sentenced to life.

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