Ankara to Host Turkey-Iran-Pakistan Symposium

An international symposium titled Trilateral Cooperation among Turkey, Iran, Pakistan is set to be held in the Turkish capital Ankara on April 26.

The symposium is to be attended by professors, researchers, experts and students from Turkey, Iran and Pakistan.

It is co-organized by the Centre for Iranian Studies in Ankara (iRAM), Yildirim Beyazit University, Institute of Strategic Studies of Islamabad (ISSI) and Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS), a foreign policy think tank affiliated with Iran’s Foreign Ministry, a report by Anadolu news agency said.

The symposium is aimed at exploring and assessing opportunities for further mutual and trilateral cooperation between the three states.

The organizers maintain that Iran, Turkey and Pakistan enjoy high capacities to create a strong regional alliance to overcome security and development problems. The participants will contribute to the symposiums through articles and research on these opportunities.

The main themes of the symposium deal with economic, security, investment and trade issues among the three states.

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