
Iran, Britain Appoint New Envoys

Iran and Britain named their new ambassadors to London and Tehran, as the two incoming officials held a gathering with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Monday.

Dutch Airline KLM to Resume Direct Flights to Iran

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will resume services to the Iranian capital of Tehran as of October 30, 2016.

Iran Extends Condolences to Italy over Deadly Quake

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi voiced Tehran’s deep sympathy for Italy over a powerful earthquake that left hundreds of people dead in a mountainous area near the town of Norcia on Wednesday.

Lebanon Threatens to Reciprocate If Stockholm Deports Lebanese Families

Lebanese Labour Minister Sejaan Azzi on Monday threatened to expel Swedes working in Lebanon if Stockholm follows through with its reported plan to deport dozens of Lebanese families.

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Proposes Debates with Europe on Human Rights

Iran’s Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani proposed that the Islamic Republic and Europe can begin discussions about human rights, provided that Iran would also have the chance to question the shortcomings of Europeans regarding human rights.

Iran Asks Nationals to Keep Calm after Munich Shooting

Iran’s consulate in Munich called on the nationals residing in Germany to remain calm and stay in touch with the diplomatic missions after a Friday shooting spree by a German-Iranian gunman in a Munich shopping mall killed at least 10 people.

Iran Condemns Terrorist Attack in France’s Nice

Iran’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned a Thursday night terrorist attack in France’s Nice, where a truck loaded with weapons and hand grenades plowed through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day and killing at least 90 people.

President Rouhani Congratulates French Counterpart on Bastille Day

In a message on Thursday, July 14, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani offered his congratulations to his French Counterpart François Hollande on the country’s Bastille Day.

21st Anniversary of a Crime in Heart of Europe

People in Bosnia marked the 21st anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, during which 8,000 Muslim Bosnians in were massacred during the Bosnian War in July 1995.

President Felicitates Montenegro on National Day

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a message on Wednesday, July 13, congratulated his Montenegrin counterpart President Filip Vujanovic on the country’s National Day.

Infrastructure Completed for Power Export to Azerbaijan

Iranian Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian has announced the completion of an energy infrastructure project that will send Iranian electricity to neighbouring Azerbaijan.

President of France’s National Assembly Due in Iran in July

Claude Bartolone, the President of the National Assembly of France, plans to pay a 4-day visit to Tehran in mid-July, an adviser to Iran’s parliament speaker announced on Monday June 27.

ISIS Expresses Satisfaction with Brexit

Following the British people’s vote to leave the European Union, the ISIS terrorist group voiced happiness in a statement and summoned its affiliates to attack Berlin and Brussels

Brexit Widely Covered by Iranian Newspapers on Saturday

IFP has prepared a report on how Iranian newspapers covered Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union, commonly referred to as Brexit, on their Saturday headlines and editorials.

Iran Says Respects Brexit Referendum Results

Iran’s Foreign Ministry announced that the country honors the British people’s decision to leave the European Union, and made it clear that Brexit will not bring about any change in Tehran’s attitude towards London.

Zarif’s Busy Paris Diplomatic Schedule

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif is scheduled for a very intensive Wednesday, June 22, in Paris, with back-to-back meetings with French officials on the first leg of his two-nation European tour.

Iran, Italy ink MoU on university coop.

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad and the Italian University of Genoa signed a memorandum of understanding on joint scientific cooperation.

German Official: Iran’s Debt Clearance Opens Path for Future Activity

By paying off the export debt to Germany, Iran will open new paths to renewed trade ties between the two countries, said the German Economy Minister on Monday June 20, Bloomberg reported.

Iranian Ambassador: Zarif’s Paris Visit Important

In the past two years, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has had two working trips to Paris, France, but his visit today is an official one that will be an effective step towards bolstering mutual confidence between the two countries. Ali Ahani, Iran's Ambassador to France, gives his comments about the official diplomatic visit.

Zarif Travels to Paris to Start European Tour

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif travelled to Paris on Tuesday June 21 on the first leg of his two-nation European tour. His two-day visit to is made at the official invitation of his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault.

Mahan Air’s First Flight to Paris

After the implementation of the JCPOA, European airports have one again granted access to EU airspace for Iranian airplanes.

Tehran and Kiev Want Closer Trade Links

Deputy Industry Minister, at a meeting with Ukraine’s ambassador to Iran, called for an expansion of trade exchange between Tehran and Kiev.

Iran Settles €500m Debt to Germany’s Hermes Firm: Envoy

Iranian Ambassador to Berlin Ali Majedi said the Islamic Republic has cleared its debt to Germany’s Hermes insurance company.

Paris, the First Leg of Zarif’s Third European Tour

He will pay an official visit to France and the Netherlands and is to confer with senior officials of the two countries on bilateral and regional developments and to explain Iran’s atmosphere in post-JCPOA era, according to an IRNA report.

Direct Flights Launched between Tehran and Astrakhan

Direct flights between the Iranian capital of Tehran and the Russian port city of Astrakhan have recently been inaugurated, Head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPO) Valiollah Afkhami Rad said.

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